Mission Statement

The mission of the Medway Cultural Council is to support and cultivate the arts in Medway. To accomplish this, we offer grant funding, program development, and educational opportunities. Our goal is to provide our community with a wide range of cultural experiences, including art, music, performance, crafts, and traditions from around the world. We support and encourage local artists and a shared sense of community through cultural appreciation.

Non-discrimination Statement:

The Medway Cultural Council does not discriminate against applicants, individuals or programs based on age, ability, ethnicity, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, nationality, geographic origin, immigration, military, or socio-economic status. The Medway Cultural Council will not knowingly promote, advance or sponsor artists, vendors, or entities that are known to discriminate on the basis of these attributes. Additionally, we do not necessarily share the views, beliefs or opinions of those we sponsor or post. 

Equity Statement: 

The Medway Cultural Council seeks to cultivate a culture of equity and inclusion, including the promotion of diversity in the arts, through our programs, information, granting, and through the organizations we support. We are committed to supporting programming that promotes excellence, education, diversity and inclusion in the arts, humanities, and sciences to foster a rich cultural life in our community. 

Social Media Guidelines: 

We commit as a council to provide quality information within the guidelines of our mission, non-discrimination and equity statements.